
5 Modern Workplace Trends you can’t Afford to Ignore

Source: Pixabay

Throughout the past few years, the workplace has seen a drastic change in its workforce. Baby boomers began to work with millennials, and now Gen Z is beginning to enter the workforce as well as hold some of the buying power. This has meant that companies all around the world are now needing to change up how they market their products and services. So, what does this all mean for you? This means your company must begin implementing these changes or risk getting left behind. Thus, the following includes five modern workplace trends you simply can’t afford to ignore.

#5 Internal Communication

For many years the use of email or conference calls was enough to get in touch with your employees. Usually, these were used as collaboration tools to further understand what everyone was doing or to simply pass out additional tasks. However, with many of today’s youth used to the latest technology, this can be quite slow and unuseful. So, what can you do to improve communication and interaction amongst your employees? The first thing that must be done is to provide your employees with the right technology and ergonomic furniture to do the job. This means having them utilize clear audio equipment using an ATR2100 along with dual-screen technology, much like the type found within the LG V60 ThinQ Dual-Screen.

Source: Pixabay

#4 Social Media in The Office

The reality of business today is that you absolutely need a social media presence in order to keep the attention of the Millennial and Gen Z generations. However, any business can have a social media page; it’s those who go above and beyond that truly stand out. One of the best ways to not only sell your products but build a positive brand image is to utilize social media in the office, this is also called social media marketing. Showcase your top employees, take followers behind the scenes of your latest work. By allowing them this access, you can dramatically improve your following.

#3 Brand Ambassadors

When it comes to traditional advertising, most of the Millennials and Gen Z audiences will not respond well to it. This is why so many companies today are including brand ambassadors into their marketing strategy. This is because these two generations tend to respond much better to someone either not apart of the company or someone their own age. If possible, you may utilize social media celebrities to endorse your product, but if budget is an issue, this is still possible. Internal employees can also market your brand on their own through various social media pages such as Twitter and Facebook, to name a few.

#2 Offer Work From Home Opportunities

One of the most popular workplace trends being seen at the moment is allowing employees to work from home. This provides an incredible benefit for both employees and companies. The individual is allowed to have a better work-life balance, and the company saves in costly overhead such as providing office space, equipment, and other day-to-day to day supplies. In fact, statistics say that over 54% of Americans stated that if they could transition to remote work they would.

#1 Obtaining Trust In Leadership

A common complaint among employees is that they simply either don’t trust their leadership or they are not aware of them enough to form an opinion. Untrustworthy leadership can have a negative domino effect on your company. When employees don’t trust their leadership, resentment occurs, then poor quality work and finally a loss in overall revenue. The best way to avoid this issue from occurring is to demonstrate good leadership. This can be done by making yourself visible, having constant communication with your staff, and having an overall transparent decision-making process.

By Hamna Amjad

Hamna is a home organization enthusiast and blogger with features/mentions in Brit+ Co, Best Company, G2, and others.
When she isn’t getting nagged by her husband or 2 kids, she spends time writing about or trying a new DIY project at her home.

Twitter: @HamnaAmjad