
COVID-19 Survival Kit: The Right Food Supplies, Medicines & More to Keep Your Family Safe

No need to panic and empty grocery store shelves for the pandemic

Source: Pixabay

The Coronavirus has been spreading like wildfire around the world. It has infected more than 2.9 million people and killed at least 206,000 people worldwide. The fact that the disease is transmittable through person to person contact, is worrisome.

The government has decided to impose a temporary lockdown in order to control the spread. 

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The best thing to do at times like this is to, first, not panic. Second, is to come up with a list of survival kit things that will be needed in the time of the lockdown or incase of quarantine.

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Food Supply

You do not need to hoard food or any other supplies. There is no need to stockpile fruit, for example, as it will go bad soon.

Canned foods are the best option as they have a longer shelf life and can be consumed without being cooked. You can buy canned fish, chicken, or pasta. Canned beans and soup are other options.

Frozen food is also a good choice such as vegetables, meat, and premade meals.

For people who need tea or coffee to get through the day, stock up on a reasonable amount of your favorites to ensure other shoppers have access to the same items.

You can also add snacks like potato chips, cookies, nuts, dried fruit, and maybe even some granola bars to your food inventory list.

Parents need to keep a variety of foods like powdered milk cereal and other kid-friendly foods on hand.

Make sure you have plenty of beverages in your pantry.  Bottles of water, electrolyte sports drinks, and powdered drink mixes, like Tang are all excellent choices to keep your family hydrated. 


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Buy only essential items and not random stuff. Items such as toothpaste, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and laundry detergent are must-haves.

Make sure you get plenty of bath and hand soaps as these are the biggest weapon in the fight against coronavirus. Here is a video on how to wash your hands properly.

Source: Youtube

Hand sanitizer is also one of the most important products to stock up on. It will come in handy when someone leaves the house and is unable to wash their hands. If you are unable to find hand sanitizer in stores or online, you can easily make it at home. All you need is rubbing alcohol, aloe vera gel, and your favorite essential oil. 

For parents with a baby at home, baby wipes, diaper rash cream, diapers, and baby toys are essential items for sure.

According to the EPA, the coronavirus is an “enveloped virus”, which means it can be killed with a disinfectant product. This shows that using a disinfectant is an important part of killing the virus. Besides washing your hands, you must also disinfect your home which includes using a disinfectant to wipe table surfaces, doorknobs, and light switches. Anything brought into the home from the outside, like supplies, must be disinfected.

Source: Pixabay

Some EPA registered disinfectant products are: Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Clorox Commercial Solutions, Clorox Disinfecting Spray, Clorox Commercial Solutions®, Clorox® Disinfecting Spray, Lysol brand Heavy-Duty Cleaner Disinfectant Concentrate, Lysol Disinfectant Max Cover Mist, Lysol brand Clean & Fresh Multi-Surface Cleaner, Purell Professional Surface Disinfectant Wipes, Sani-Prime Germicidal Spray

Other supplies to stock up are battery packs, batteries, flashlights, diapers, latex gloves, and trash bags.

Medical Supplies

Try getting over the counter medicines for cough, flu, fever, pain, and allergies. The best way to fight coronavirus is to maintain a strong immune system and for that, you need to keep taking your vitamins. Choose a multivitamin to stock up on.

Other medical supplies that can come in handy are thermometers, gauze bandages, antibacterial ointment, antiseptic wipes, and bandages.

Other Items 

Relying on the TV to help pass time gets boring fast. Instead,  stock up on different kinds of board games for both kids and adults. You can also keep card games, like Uno on hand. Magazines and books are a great way to kill the time and keep your mind off the virus stress.
During these times, it is important to relax and take time out for yourself. You can do this by using essential oils such as lavender or clary sage to relieve stress. These oils are easily available in the market.

Some Important Information

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There is still a  major debate on whether wearing a facemask will help in protecting from the virus or not.

Some experts say that anyone with a cough or flu-like symptoms must be required to wear a facemask. The facemask can prevent the penetration of big droplets from sneezes and coughs, but finer mists can still get through. But there are some experts who say that the facemask is an important disease prevention tool and it should be worn by everyone going to public places along with latex gloves.

Source: Pixabay

Overall, everyone should act responsibly to fight the virus even if that means we have to practice social distancing, wear a mask, and even gloves.

Source: Pixabay

By Aniyah Wicks

Married to a computer geek and raising 2 future nerds, Aniyah is a passionate DIYer and gardening enthusiast. When she isn't wondering if she has had watered her indoor plants, she writes short articles so that, in due time, she can write a book one day!